Grants Office
The Grants Management Office is responsible for the management and oversight of all federal, state, and local grant funding for Mineral County School District. This includes competitive and formula-based grants along with competitive and privately funded grants. The Grants Office oversees fiscal requirements, programming compliance, and evaluation reporting on all grants.
Mineral County School District has received unprecedented federal funding during the past three years. ESSER, ARP and AB495 funds are being used to close the achievement gap, hire and retain District staff and contractors and to bring resources to students and classrooms.
All State and Federal grants are in an online management system called ePage. The link below will direct you to the public access for all grants received over the past several years in all districts.
- Nevada Epage
- ESSER III - Safe Return to In Person Instruction
- Federal McKinney-Vento and Homeless Funding
Mineral County School District is dedicated to providing all children opportunities to receive high-quality instruction. Mineral County students who are “in transition” may qualify for assistance through the District’s Title 1A or McKinney-Vento funds.
If your family lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence please talk to your school administrator, Safe School Professional, counselor or the Grants Management Office.
Grant Guidance Nevada Accountability Portal
Grants Management
Position Open
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Extension 1014