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Transportation Office

photo of a bus

Welcome to the Transportation page of Mineral County School District! We are committed to ensuring student safety and efficient travel in our transportation services. We take pride in providing reliable transportation solutions that support the educational needs of our community. Here, you'll find essential information about bus routes, schedules, guidelines, and resources to ensure a smooth and secure journey for our students. Join us in navigating the route to success as we prioritize safe and convenient travel for every student at MCSD.

Please Drive Safely

Please make sure students are at their bus stop 10 minutes prior to their scheduled bus pickup times to ensure that they are available for transportation to school

To ensure student safety, please stop for red warning loading and unloading lights for our school buses at bus stops and school drop offs, we want nothing more than our kids getting to and from and school as safely as possible

Students who are not assigned to a bus and/or a student needing to ride a different stop Must have a BUS PASS prior to boarding the bus. There will be NO exceptions.

Weather and road conditions may cause delays.

We look forward to having a safe and awesome school transportation year with all of you!